Amy | Restfully Classical | 5 KIDS
Amy and her husband John are 2nd-generation homeschoolers to five children from 8 to 18 years old, including a new homeschool graduate! The Sloan family adventures together in NC where they pursue a restfully-classical education filled with books, conversation, and not-so-occasional nerdiness. If you hang out with her for any length of time you’ll quickly learn that she loves overflowing book stacks, giant mugs of coffee, beautiful memory work, and silly memes. At any moment she could break into song and dance from 90s country music or Shakespeare. Amy encourages homeschoolers through her “Homeschool Conversations with Humility and Doxology” podcast.
Amy says that the best education is the one that leads to a humble view of one’s self and a glorified view of the beauty of God. She encourages homeschooling mamas that faithful consistency and wonder-filled exploration are not mutually exclusive. Her family’s homeschool prioritizes relationships over checklists, and she believes that beautiful words are more valuable to memorize than inventories of facts. Ultimately, Amy is convinced that Gospel truth alone saves us from endlessly striving and the fear, worry, and anxiety of wondering if we (and our homeschools) are enough.
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Elementary: Math With Confidence by Kate Snow
Elementary/Middle: Math-U-See
Middle/High School: Mr. D Math
Supplemental for Review and/or Remediation: Keys To…Series
Advanced Mathematics: Earn early college credit while homeschooling
High School Online Chemistry with Dr. Kristin Moon
High School Online Chemistry Labs with Dr. Kristin Moon
High School Online Biology Labs with Dr. Kristin Moon
Multiple Ages: Customize your own textbook
High School: Kings Meadow Humanities
Strava (free app to track activity)