Anna | ECLECTIC | 4 KIDs
Anna is a wife and mom of 4 living in South Carolina. Her children's ages are 10, 7, 4, and 2. Anna, along with her husband, Zach have been homeschooling for 3 years and are enjoying the experience tremendously. Most of all, they enjoy all the extra family time and the flexibility that homeschool provides. Having been homeschooled for most of her life, then also private schooled, and public schooled, Anna has a unique take in her eclectic homeschooling style and approach to learning. Anna has enjoyed sharing her homeschooling journey (the good and the hard) through social media, blogging, and YouTube for the past 3 years.
Anna has chosen to homeschool her children to ensure their Biblical worldview, to equip world-changers for the Kingdom, and to produce intelligent, confident contributors to society. Having different children who learn in different ways, Anna has developed an eclectic style of homeschooling with a heavy lean towards the Charlotte Mason approach. Lots of family time, consistency, time outdoors, and discipleship are all pillars in their homeschool. Anna is incredibly passionate about homeschooling and helping other parents realize their God-given potential as a homeschool parent. Anna's heart's desire is to equip homeschool parents by encouraging them in their homeschool journey and in their Christian walk and providing them with practical and unique ideas, tips, and tools. Homeschooling can be a lonely place, but with the help of this community, Anna hopes to bring a sense of belonging and community to homeschool families everywhere.
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My Own Keepsake Bible by Carolyn Larsen
Kids Bible Studies from Not Consumed Ministries
The Good and the Beautiful Science (Our favorites are Mammals and Space)
The Good and the Beautiful History
Window on the World by Molly Wall (Geography)
Hoffman Academy (Piano)
The great outdoors!