DECLUTTER Clothes TIPS / Questions to ask!

Decluttering clothes is where I am starting! Watch here for some TIPS on MINIMIZING your wardrobe and QUESTIONS you can ask yourself as you declutter your own closet =)

Since we have to move in a few months, I am taking the opportunity to go through EVERY area in our home to assess what we really need. I want to SIMPLIFY as much as possible so I don't have to carry it to the new house - cuz, aint nobody got time for that!

When going through your wardrobe, ask yourself these questions!

1. Think about your SEASON.

Not what the weather season is, but what season of life are you in. Do you need a certain style of clothes for work? Professional attire, casual, scrubs, workout clothes?

2. Think about WHERE you are GOING.

Not where you are going this afternoon, but where are you going in life? What kind of person do you want to present to the world? What clothes make you feel comfortable and confident? Consider buying a few choice pieces that make you look and feel amazing and get rid of the excess.

3. Think about your LAUNDRY schedule.

How often do you realistically do laundry? Every week? Every 2 -3 days? If you do laundry every 3 days, do you really need 15 pairs of underwear and 20 pairs of socks?? Probably not. So get rid of the extras and you will love how easy it is to put away all your clothes.

Have you ever thought about DECISION FATIGUE??

Decision Fatigue is the idea that the less you have to think about a decision, the more time you have to devote to thinking about more important things. Do I need to spend 20 minutes a day picking out my outfit for the day? Or can my time better be spent on something I highly value (like reading my bible or cooking a nourishing breakfast for myself before work).

Keep the clothes you love and get rid of all the in-betweens that just waste your time when deciding what to wear in the morning.



Birth Story: Benjamin
