JESSICA | Charlotte Mason-Leaning | 3 KIDS
Jessica is raising three girls, ages 6, 9, and 15, in Texas. Her family started homeschooling in 2020 after the global pandemic, and they quickly fell in love with the homeschooling lifestyle. Now Jessica can't imagine doing anything else and is a bona fide homeschool convert! She has a heart for encouraging and connecting with other homeschool mamas or those who may be interested in becoming converts themselves.
Jessica loves the freedom of homeschooling, the close bonds her family is able to create through homeschooling, and having an active hand in her children's education and daily discipleship. While they're not necessarily "purists" of one style or method of home education, Jessica's family enjoys a Charlotte Mason flair in their homeschool, with lots of rich literature, time appreciating nature, and a beautiful and delightful feast of subjects. Most importantly, the heart of their homeschool is honoring God in all things and doing all things for His glory.
Jessica’s TOP PICKS
The following may contain affiliate links. The content creator may be compensated for purchases made through these links, but they will never affect your purchase price.
NIRV Seek and Explore Holy Bible
The Ology by Marty Machowski
WonderFull by Marty Machowski
The Organic Studies by Idlewild
(use code THEHOMESCHOOLCONVERT for 10% off!)