BABY ESSENTIALS | Newborn must haves | baby registry 2020 | Minimalist

If you want to know what you NEED and ONLY WHAT YOU NEED for a new baby, then this post is for you! I try to, as much as possible, minimize the amount of items we have in our house. After having 2 kids, I have come to realize that babies do NOT need as much as we think they need. In fact, I think PARENTS need more than the children! (As in the parents want the children to have more than they need (or actually want/use)). Watch this video or scroll to read about all the things I found ESSENTIAL in having a new baby - plus some tips along the way! (*Links for Amazon: As an Amazon Associate we may earn from qualifying purchases*)

1. You will need your BABY (Hahahaha, DUH...)

2. DIAPERS FOR DAAAYYSSSSS BUT... My advice on this is don't stock up on too many of one size in the beginning because A.) You don't know how big baby with be, and B.) You don't know how fast they will grow! If you get too many NEWBORN size and your baby comes out as 8 lbs, you will not be able to use those! Have 1 small bag for newborn and if you need more you can get (ask for gift cards!!). Start with a few size 1s and a few 2s. My kids usually blew through size 2s and are in size 3 the longest.

3. WIPES!! You do not have to be afraid of overbuying these!! Stock up to your hearts content! These will always get used and honestly I use them for more than just wiping my babies bottom.. wipe their face, the floor, dust the bookshelf, wipe the bathroom counters, you know, whatever...

4. BLANKETS/BURP CLOTHES Not just any blankets, but the 100% cotton flannel ones ( because they are so durable and versatile. We of course had a couple other one that were fuzzy and soft, but the cotton ones could double as a blanket or a burp cloth or something to wipe up an spit or spills. Very absorbent and useful!! In beginning the burp clothes can be used underneath baby to catch any accidents while diaper changing (think 2am in your bed and you are a zombie who does NOT want to change your sheets if they get soaked with pee... Or worse...).

5. DIAPER CREAM Sometimes I just needed a little barrier when their bums got red or irritated. Aquaphor ( is probably my favorite because it works so well, and it's clear! So if there's any irritation on their feet or arms or legs or body, you aren't smearing white cream all over them! Homemade diaper cream

6. PACIFIERS are my friend But if you go the "No pacifier Route," no judgement here! For me, it helped my kids to latch better and to self soothe so I could have a break in nursing them. Sometimes when they cried they didn't want to eat, but if I had no pacifier, nursing them was the only way to quiet them down. Using a pacifier helped me to get them on a feeding schedule which in turn helped us all to get on a schedule which is a game changer! These were my favorite for newborns! ( And apparently there are different sizes?!?! The things you learn when you become a parent! Watch the video to hear my reasoning for this type of pacifier!

7. PACIFIER CLIPS I think without these, I would have definitely lost a lot more pacifiers to the car seat or floor under the crib. Having a string attached to every pacifier and 90% of the time attaching it to their clothes, helped me keep track of them. I simply took off the pacifier and threw the clip part in the laundry when it got dirty or too much drool on it (can we say teething?? and drool stinks!) I had 5-7 of these and loved using them. It really helped at night because, since it was attached to their PJs, they could easily find it and self soothe in the middle of the night. WIN!!! (

8. BOTTLES Even if you plan to breastfeed your baby, it is helpful to have a couple of bottles on hand just in case. If you are formula feeding your baby, then obviously you need bottles ;) We liked the glass Tommie Tippee ones and the Comotomo ones. ( and DON'T FORGET TO GET A BOTTLE BRUSH!! (

9. CARRIER WRAP This saved me many a time when I needed to make dinner, walk up and down the stairs doing chores, comfort a fussy baby, or even go to the bathroom... Let's be real... In the first few months of life before they can sit up on their own, I like to use a soft wrap; like the Solly or Moby or one similar to that style ( After the baby can sit on their own, I like to use the Lillebaby ( or Tula structured carrier. It's just easier and quicker to snap on and off. I still use this with my 15 month old if I need to run into the store or she's fussy because she's teething.

10. SOME PLACE SAFE TO LAY YOUR BABY! Cuz again, momma needs to eat and use the facilities and have some sanity. We loved this bouncer here because I could move it all around the house with me. (


